Leadership Evaluations
360/720 Multi-Raters
A 360/720 Multi-Rater is a critical component of RJP’s clients' long-term, continuous improvement strategy to building a high-performance organization that outperforms their competition.
Many of our clients use 360 multi-raters as a part of their annual review of leaders and managers. Richard James & Partners recommends its clients upgrade to a more accurate and enhanced 360/720 multi-rater tool… the Kaiser Leadership Versatility Index [LVI], a thinking manager’s 360° survey.
The LVI is based on a leadership model that offers a simple, compact framework to account for the complexities of the manager’s job—the tensions and trade-offs, the balances to be struck. While based on research, the LVI came out of years of consulting to senior managers about their leadership. Our clients report that the information they are receiving, and its impact on developing leaders and sales managers, is the best 360 they have seen and is powerful!
- Lopsided Leadership: We all know that one way managers get themselves into trouble is by overdoing it—doing too much of a good thing, whether that be talking too much, pushing too hard, delegating too much authority, getting too caught up in the details, and so on. For example, some drive hard for results but neglect the people side. That’s how strengths become weaknesses. Yet most 360 instruments do not directly measure overdoing. Their rating scales are only designed to pick up deficiencies. Our new rating scale captures both under-doing it and overdoing it, as well as effective performance. Most 360/ 720 multi raters aren’t. Ours is.

Leadership Strengths & Weakness Rating
- “Forceful” Versus Enabling Leadership: The LVI is built around the two most basic pairs of opposing dimensions in leadership. The LVI evaluates if the leader is “forceful” or an “enabler,” as well as a brief measure of overall effectiveness. Respondents rate items one at a time, the results are presented in pairs—for example, take charge versus delegates. This provides a precise, behavior-specific read of where the individual is balanced and where the flat-spots are, so the road to expanded versatility is obvious.
- Strategic Versus Operational Leadership: The LVI evaluates whether the leader is thinking broadly about the organization, questioning basic assumptions, looking at the long term, and inspiring people with the vision and strategy or are they more prone to delve into operational detail, being, and focus primarily on short-term results.
- What Participants and Clients Like: Clients who have used other 360s reported four really distinctive unique benefits of the LVI.
- The simplicity of the rating scale. [Right amount, too little or too much.]
- Participants receive a score between 0 and 100. The majority fall between 70% – 90%, which provides a competitive motivation to improve their score.
- The LVI provides a measurement of the leader’s direct reports …their productivity and vitality.
- The LVI allows the individual leader to compare themselves against our database of senior managers in other organizations.
- Expanding The Base of Information: In addition to the traditional evaluation by the incumbent, the immediate supervisor, peers, and direct reports, the LVI includes evaluations by others who are impacted by this person’s performance. This could include customers and others.
- A Deluxe Version of the LVI Includes: Behavioral interview questions to supplement the ratings with verbatim comments. The words bring the numbers to life. Items can also be added to tailor the LVI to fit an organization’s competencies. A customized instrument built on a foundation of innovation.
- FULLY WEB-ENABLED: Purchasing, administering, scoring, and reporting the LVI® is done over the Internet.
There are a lot of 360 multi rater choices out there to assist with employee evaluations and development processes, but RJP’s use of the Kaiser Instruments, as an integral part of their long-term, continuous improvement strategy to assist clients in building a high-performance leadership team, is unique. For more information contact Richard James & Partners.